1st Dec has been an important date in the calendar for 30 years now. From 1988, 1st December became World AIDS Day, to remember those died because of AIDS and to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS.
AIDS Concern will scale up our HIV testing service for an HIV testing week starting from 3rd December to 9th December. We will provide free, anonymous and confidential testing. If you would like to make an appointment, feel free to visit our website for more information. www.aidsconcern.org.hk
In the past 30 years, there have been huge breakthroughs in HIV medical research and now with early treatment, it is possible to treat HIV virus, even though there is no cure. People living with HIV can now have life expectancy as long as the general population, although they need to take lifelong treatment.
Scientific research has also proved that, if people living with HIV keep taking their treatment and their HIV virus level becomes medically undetectable, they cannot transmit HIV through sex. Undetectable means Untransmittable (U=U). Early treatment and U=U are now key messages for effective prevention. The fact that people on good treatment cannot transmit the virus is also an important way to help break down the fear that some people have of people living with HIV.
In Hong Kong, HIV/is AIDS still a taboo topic. HIV is treated by some people not only as a disease, but also as a moral judgment. Facing an HIV/AIDS positive result is not easy. Get an early test is the only way people can be sure of their HIV status and to get an early treatment.
For 2018 the theme of UNAIDS for World AIDS Day is “Know Your Status”. AIDS Concern is spreading the message WE CAN STOP HIV and is helping the community to understand different prevention options.
There will be 150 quotas for the testing week if you would like to make an appointment, feel free to visit our website for more information.
Testing hours (Mon-Fri 3/12-7/12):
AM: 9:35am-12:35pm
PM: 2:-00pm-5:00pm
Night: 7pm-10pm
Testing hours (Sat 8/12) :
PM: 2:-00pm-5:00pm
Night: 7pm-10pm
Testing hours (Sun 9/12) :
PM: 2:-00pm-5:00pm
Address: 14 – 20 Pilkem Street Fu Lee Commercial Building Flat B, 3/F, Jordan
Walk-in (on a FIRST COME FIRST SERVED basis)
**Tickets will be distributed 10 minutes before the start time of each testing timeslot** i.e. at 9:25am, 1:50pm & 6:50pm
- HIV Test takes 20 mins (there will be a Pre-test + a post-test counselling)
- ONLY finger prick will be done
- Window Period is 90 days for HIV antibody (if someone asks about the 15-28 days antigen testing period, please ask them to call 23946677, T&C team will answer in detail regarding such questions).