- Opening of AIDS Concern Community Space
- Launched My Place Social Enterprise
- Started to provide HIV Self-testing and introduced BioSURE HIV Self Test from the UK
- Set up a service team with outreach program targeting ethnic minority
- A new service car for mobile testing started operation.
- Introduced the needs of men who have sex with men and those who are living with HIV, and establish a service referral to the counselling Centre for psychotropic substance abusers.
- 25th Anniversary of AIDS Concern.
- Opening of Jordan Health Service Centre.
- Published ‘Something Positive’, a collection of stories of people living with HIV.
- Launched the new “2014-19 Strategic Direction” to reach the goal of “TRIPLE ZERO”.
- New mobile testing car launched and established HIV antibody mobile testing services.
- Introduced mobile phone apps for men who have sex with men and heterosexual men.
- Collaborated with the Chinese University of Hong Kong on the first-ever “HIV Stigma Watch” research study in Hong Kong.
- One target community for AIDS Concern’s work changes from sex workers to their clients.
- Began to provide HIV antibody rapid testing and sexually transmitted infections testing to young people.
- Dr. Chen Zhu, Minister of Health, met with AIDS Concern. Our former Chief Executive Loretta Wong shared her experience of successful collaboration between NGOs and the Government.
- Established a service centre relocated to Yau Ma Tai
- Established a service centre in Mong Kok offering Voluntary Counselling and Testing service.
- Launched our internet outreach program targeting men who have sex with men.
- Launched the first anti-stigma and anti-discrimination campaign targeting the general public.
- Launched a sexually transmitted infections testing service for men who have sex with men, sex workers and their clients.
- Established our first HIV prevention program & education center in Shenzhen targeting workers and clients of the entertainment industry.
- Began collaboration with the Chinese University of Hong Kong to provide cross-border truck drivers with voluntary counselling and HIV testing services.
- Started offering rapid HIV anti-body test, and applied it to gay saunas. The service then expanded to 10 gay sauna venues across Hong Kong.
- Opened our outreach HIV antibody testing service station in the sex industry district in Mong Kok.
Began an intervention evaluation project with the Chinese University of Hong Kong to assess the impact of an internet-based prevention service targeting men who have sex with men.
- Began an outreach program targeting vulnerable youth.
- Promoted the collection of urine samples to replace saliva samples in our HIV antibody testing service.
- Launched Hong Kong’s first outreach HIV-antibody testing service in gay saunas.
- Launched two testing facilities in Central and Yau Ma Tei.
Facilitated the establishment of Hong Kong’s first formalised self-support group for people living with HIV/AIDS.
- Launched our outreach prevention program targeting cross-border travelers.
- Initiated a taskforce on men who have sex with men.
- Managed Hong Kong’s first community planning process to determine prevention priorities.
Began Hong Kong’s first peer education program for people living with HIV/AIDS.
- Expanded our outreach prevention program to the local sex industry.
Provided free services “Ride Concern Transport” and “Soup Delivery Service” for people living with HIV/AIDS.
- Started the first outreach program of AIDS prevention for the gay community.
- Launched our first AIDS awareness campaign for Cross-Border Travelers.
- Support services offered to people living with HIV/AIDS.
- Organised AIDS educational seminars in schools.
- AIDS Concern was founded and launched Hong Kong’s first AIDS helpline service.