1. What is it?
Genital Warts, caused by Human Papillomavirus (HPV), usually affects the surface of genital area. Although the skin surface would appear to be healed, yet the disease can remain latent in the nerve ganglion and around 50-80% of patients are liable to relapse.
2. What are the main routes of transmission?
Sexual organs or anus are in contact with venereal warts.
3. How soon will symptoms appear?
It would take a several weeks to six months or longer for symptoms to appear.
4. What are the symptoms?
One of the common symptoms of Genital Warts are flesh-colored, soft-to-the-touch bumps on the skin of the genital area and around the anus, gradually these bumps will cluster and form a kind of “cauliflower” appearance. These bumps can cause mild bleeding, irritation and infection due to itchiness.
5. Is it curable?
At this moment Genital Warts cannot be cured completely, yet it can be contained through proper treatment. The treatment includes liquid nitrogen freezing, laser or ablation surgery.