HIV infection cannot be cured at the moment. If people living with HIV have early treatment to suppress the replication of virus, they will have no difference from ordinary people in terms of lives expectancy and health condition.
If you are diagnosed with HIV by blood testing, you can make a reservation with the specialist clinic for treatment, or reserve through organisations that provide support to people living with HIV, such as AIDS Concern. If you are diagnosed with HIV by rapid test, you can join a programme on AIDS conducted by laboratories, hospitals or the government, or alternatively, make a reservation with AIDS Concern for blood testing.
AIDS Concern provides emotional support, booking to specialist clinic, clinic escort, information on AIDS and other sexual transmitted diseases, HIV support group, free “Ride Concern” transportation, etc. We also provide support to the spouse or family members of people living with HIV if they want to understand more about AIDS.
The doctor will customize medication based on the patient’s situation and lifestyle. At this moment, there is no definitive effective cure for AIDS; however, there are adopted treatments available to reduce the level of the virus inside the body, thus it is possible to postpone the development of AIDS and improve the AIDS patient’s health and quality of life. Once started, HIV medication treatment is life long and HIV patients will have to return to his/her physician or clinic for regular follow-ups to check the progress and make necessary modifications in the treatment.